Saturday, March 17, 2012

Disneyland March 2012 - Day 2

Day 2 of our fun-filled Disneyland trip!  Madi started out the day wearing this adorable outfit... And ended up without the hat.. And without the glasses... And without the sandals... But what can you expect from a 5 month old, right? :)
 We decided to spend all day in California Adventure.  We were really excited for Bryce, since he had never been there.  Then we found out that the girls had never been on the Tower of Terror!!!  

  So, we tried to drag them on with us.  Lizzie absolutely refused, but we convinced Becca and Bryce to go on it.  Here are our before pictures:

Don't worry!!  We all survived!  Here are after pics:

When we had planned our trip, we figured that it wouldn't be very busy, since it was mid-March.  Boy, were we wrong!  We had forgotten one small little detail... Spring Break!!  It was pretty crowded all week long, but it's all good.

Dealing with nursing a baby while at Disneyland wasn't the easiest thing, but they sure try to make things convenient for mom's.  They have baby stations, where I could nurse Madi.  They worked out nicely! 

While I was nursing one time, everyone else went on Grizzly River Run.  You can kind of see that they got pretty wet, but they didn't let that dampen the mood at all!

While we were in CA Adventures, we rode one of my FAVORITE rides... Toy Story Mania!  I think I like it so much, because I pretty much always dominate over Mike!  (Almost always... ) :)

We had a ton of fun all day... AGAIN!!  It was so fun to watch Madi watch everyone and everything else!  She was very alert, and loving it!!

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