Whew... What a week we have had. Just two days after Madi cut her first tooth, she decided to cut ANOTHER one!! Needless to say, she wasn't the happiest of babies. She is starting to bite down with her two teeth now, which means I am probably going to start weaning her from nursing. I swear she totally knows what she is doing as she gets this twinkle in her eye, and then bites down and pulls! No fun for momma!! :( But, we still think she is so cute with her two, front, bottom teeth.
So, besides all the fun with this tooth, we have all been sick. :( All three of us saw doctors, and found out we all have URI's (upper respiratory infections). We are all on the same medication, which makes it easy to remember to take! We sound horrible, as we cough and cough and cough and cough and cough. This is how we have felt:
Poor Mike tried to go into work one day with the intention of wearing a mask as to not contaminate all that delicious food at Stoffers. They sent him home anyways. We have been home bodies, which is kinda fun, I'm not going to lie! Here is one of our sick days together:
Don't we all look pretty miserable?! :( Needless to say, Mike is back to work today, and we hope to start getting out of the house again! :)
We have been enjoying our new ward, and are now Sunbeam teachers.
The primary in this ward is HUGE!!! They have like 3 nurseries! There are two separate sunbeam classes, yet on our roll alone, there are 12 kids! I am not going to lie, I was a little nervous. I have had the opportunity to teach several different ages of kids but 3-4 year olds are a little tough. It's a lot harder to reason with them! I just keep telling myself it is great practice for when Madi gets to be that age! ;) The kids in our class are sooo cute and we have had tons of fun already, but any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Especially for keeping them in their chairs! :)
Now, here are a hew pictures I have been meaning to post...
This is Madi's favorite spot in the familyroom. I can't even tell you how many times I am putting the DVD's and blurays back on the shelves!
Madi loved watching her uncles play soccer this season! She had her little spot, and loved watching the ball go back and forth on the field. She kicks her legs when she is happy, so maybe we have a future soccer star on our hands? :)
I just though this was cute... She loves to sleep with her hands up like this. Isn't she adorable?
She got a hold of piece of bacon the other day, and totally went to town!!!! We have been adding lots of baby food to her diet, but she must have an advanced taste pallet, for she doesn't really like anything but "real" food. :)
We have been working on the acre garden to the side of our house, and Madi has been doing so well in her saucer so that mommy can work. She definitely likes being outside. But more often then not, she pulls her hat off! Silly girl!!
She loves having her back scratched by daddy. It is the funniest thing! I will try to scratch her back, but she doesn't respond like she does for Mike. Now, I know he does give good back massages, but really?!?! :) She simply adores Daddy!!
We are really excited for all the fun summer activities coming up! Stay tuned for lots of fun pictures and posts! (Once we finally get over this stinkin' sickness!)
Love to you all!!