I was just looking at the date, and I can not even believe how fast the year is going!!! We have had a great month. One of the highlights was babysitting the Smith kids, while Karin and Mike went away for a few nights. We had tons of fun, some of which included Just Dance 2 & 3, Confessions of a Shopaholic, and wayyyyyyyyy too much sugar! Here are a few pics of the kids with Madi:
Aren't they all so cute?! Some how, I don't have pics of Katelynn or Whitney... hmmm.... :(
Another highlight of January was the Lamoreaux Family. Mike's sister Kristi and their family came down and we were able to go see them and spend some time with them. It was nice, since we don't see them very often. Kristi had baby Jane a few weeks after I had Madi, so it was fun to get them together and compare baby stories. :) Of course we took pictures of the two cuties together:
And now we are into February already... Yikes! The time is going way tooooooo fast! I can't keep up with thing! :)
This past week we took little Madi for her 4 month check-up. She passed with flying colors! She is 15.7 lbs. Needless to say, she is thriving! :) She is just over 24 inches. She was already doing everything the pediatrician said to be watching for. Our little over-achiever! ;) I even started her on baby cereal this week. Crazy...
Here are some fun, random pics from the last few weeks. Enjoy!!
Do we spoil her a little too much? All hail Princess Madi!!
After I had clean up a "blow-out" (I know... fun!), I had to take a pic of this. She swung her leg over the side, and I swear she was trying to get off the changing table! She is a mover and a shaker!
This is when we know she is REALLY asleep... Snoring, with her mouth totally open! Just like her Uncle Peter! Too cute!
Speaking of sleeping... It totally melts our hearts when, as we put our hand on the side of her face, she hold onto our hand, with both of her hands! If only we could keep it there forever...
She LOVES bathtime!
Check out her volume after we dry her hair! Lucky girl! :)
This is her latest favorite toy: a slinky. Thanks to Jeffrey who got it at a dentist appointment, and as been willing to share it with her! What a great uncle!
Also, I am sure that she is teething. She is drooling like crazy, is really whiny, and chews on EVERYTHING! Hopefully her teeth will cut through soon....
Love to all!
~The Robbins